A 22-year-old girl jumped off the third floor of Sahara Mall on MG Road on Sunday afternoon. The police said that she had climbed the third floor without informing anyone and that she had slit her left wrist before jumping from the mall.
The victim has been identified as Kanika, who was living with her family in Palam Vihar. The police said that she was working as a receptionist with a BPO in Udyog Vihar.
The incident took place around 1 pm when the girl had climbed the staircase near the fire exit.
Shop owners at the mall said that these stairs were rarely used by visitors and were on the side of the parking area. The girl jumped off the window, eyewitnesses said.
Shivaji Rajesh, a security guard, who was on the ground when Kanika jumped off, said, I shouted and asked her what she was up to since I knew it was dangerous to be there. But she did not listen to me. She jumped and fell on the ground injuring herself.
She was rushed to the nearest hospital by the officials of the mall and was then referred to Paras Hospital.
A senior executive of the malls management group said, The girl had two mobile phones. After taking her to the hospital, we contacted her family members.
He said that they have recovered a blade from the spot, which Kanika might have used to slit her left wrist.
The 22-year-old is now admitted in the ICU. Doctors said that she has multiple injuries on her head, chest and other parts of the body.
The reason behind her suicide attempt was not known till the time of filing this report.